I have always taken the view that my racing is something that is very personal and should be what I find enjoyable. Some years it is about doing the familiar races, other years about destination racing. Over the (many) years it has changed.I started out just running a few 5ks, then I added some half marathons ... then marathons ... then triathlons ... then finally Iron-distance triathlons. This evolution has occurred over way too many years.
My opinion is every season of racing is, and should be, different. While I do have a number of races I enjoy doing most every year, I am not the guy who races the same 6 or 7 races every year. I enjoy a new challenge and I enjoy riding/running a new course.
In 2013 I raced 13 events - 7 of which I do most years and 4 that were new to me, and 2 that I have done at some point in the past. There were triathlons, running races from 5k to the marathon, and even an open water swim. It was eclectic. It was enjoyable. Maybe I'll do a recap ... maybe not ... I don't know.
2014 is a much different beast. In 2013 I raced what I wanted without much thought about building a season to a pinnacle event. This year is much more focused. My habit of racing more will be put on hold with many more weeks of "just training." The races I have on the schedule have a purpose in the big picture.
For 2014 is not just an Ironman focused year, 2014 is about TWO FULL Ironman races.
Ironman Coeur D'Alane, 2008 |
Such a big year is both exciting and a bit scary. Exciting because I have some big racing on the docket. Scary because I have some big racing on the schedule. The Full Ironman races will be #5 and #6 for me so the distance isn't my issue. My concerns come with keeping focused and healthy for the next 11 months. To stay healthy I need to listen to my body and not overdo it, which is easier said than done. In the past when I had a coach my problem had always been doing what was no the paper for that day/week. If I was sore or tired or a bit nicked up ... it was on the page so it had to get done. This is good, but can lead to really bad stuff - injury, overtraining, dead legs on race day.
The problem was never Coach, it was always me.
Since I have been self-coached this problem hasn't been as much of a problem for a number of reasons. First, I have stopped thinking in week time periods and more in terms of the month. By extending my time frame I find I am better able to listen to the body and push a workout off if needed. The next thing I have done is be more out there with what I am doing on this blog. By putting things out there I force myself to stop listening to that little voice inside always telling me to just keep working harder, and listen to what is the more reasonable approach.
That said, the key phrase in that last paragraph is "hasn't been as much of a problem." I still find the voices in my head always wanting to do more, more, more with not though of what my legs feel like. It's a constant fight to stay on track.
Here's what I have planned for 2014:
January 25 -
Fred Lebow Manhattan Half Marathon - This 2-loops around Central Park course is not about racing, but about getting a solid, early season 13.1 miles in on a hilly course. I've done this a number of times in the past as a way to get the legs moving a bit faster with no pressure of performing. This time around I have no goal other than enjoy the company of 10,000 other runners, see where my run fitness is, and a great post-run breakfast at the
Country Griddle. In other words - a catered training run.
February 15 -
Myrtle Beach Half-Marathon - Heading down South for a long weekend to visit my parents and this race was conveniently happening during my visit. Many years ago I ran this marathon and decided it was way too early in the year to race a marathon. Might use this as a test of my fitness level.
May 17 -
Jerseyman Tiathlon (Sprint Distance) - Tuneup race. Two years ago I raced here as a way to go through the motion of swim/bike/run in order to make whatever transition mistakes I had in me at a low-key event. Once again this will be a training race. Located in Clinton, NJ the race is close to home AND close to the
Country Griddle (do you see a theme here?).
June 8 -
Ironman Eagleman 70.3 - This race comes a few weeks before my early season "A" race and I plan on using it as a tuneup/test for IMCDA. The goal is to race the swim and bike at 1/2 Ironman pace and then run at Ironman pace. If I feel good on the run I'll pick up the pace. Right now, that's the plan. As a side note, why do we call these 70.3s now instead of Half Ironman?
June 29 -
Ironman Coeur D'alane - First "A" race. Did this back in 2008 and we loved the venue. The town is great, the people friendly, and the race day temperature featured a high of 73 degrees. The course was to my liking with a hillier bike and mostly flat to rolling run. Right now I have an idea of what I want to do here, but my training will ultimately dictate what the goals are come race day.
August 11 -
Steelman (Olympic Distance) - This is one I race every year with the same two goals. First, I want to finish in the top-10, which requires me to have a good day, but as an old man is a good challenge I have been mostly successful at in year's past. The other is to have a top-3 bike split, which I have accomplished once. Coming off IMCDA I should have plenty of fitness this year. (
2013 Race Report)
August 31 -
The Great Six Flags Triathlon (Tentative) -Did this race in 2013 and loved it (
race report) ... with the sole exception being the 1/2 mile run from the swim to T1 (seriously, that's a long way to run with a wetsuit on). They moved the race from the 3rd Sunday in September up to the end of August. It fits, I just haven't made a decision on doing it or not. If I do race this, it will be right before I start gearing up for IMFL. I will be racing this all out, looking to make up for the tactical mistake I made on the bike in 2013.
September 14 -
Rev3 Pocono Mountains 70.3 - WTC put this race on for two years before deciding it didn't fit with their agenda. Rev3 revitalized the race and moved it from early October to the second weekend in September. The weather should be pretty good and I hope to race well on a short taper as part of race prep for IMFL in November.
November 1 -
Ironman Florida - Final race of the year and the second "A" race on my schedule. This will be an interesting challenge for me as I have never raced two full Ironman-distance races in the same year. I worry about two things - motivation to put the swim training in the Fall and being mentally prepared to race this distance so very late in the year.
So that's what my year is going to look like. I am looking forward to the challenge of not just racing two full Ironmans, but also staying fit, fresh and healthy.
Thanks for reading.
Train hard. Stay focused.